Alternative Providers - Welcome
Who are the Alternative Providers
One of the key roles of The Leicestershire Secondary Education Partnerships is to build education programmes for children and young people who find it impossible to manage in their schools.
There are a wide range of providers of vocational training courses, work experience, specialist motivational activities, counselling, and small group lessons. The Partnerships commission these providers to work with our students, usually for one part of a more complex programme.
The Organisations and staff who run these Providers are dedicated and committed people who are prepared to take on some of the most vulnerable and challenging young people in the county. Their contribution to the lives of these youngsters is significant, long lasting and highly valued.
Welcome to colleagues who work in Alternative Provisions.
There are two sections in this part of our web site
Section 1: Contains documents and links that are specially for Alternative Providers
Section 2: Directs you to other parts of the web site that might be useful to you.