Schools and Colleges - Making a Referral to an Inclusion Forum or Partnership Core Group / Panel
Partnership Referral and Commissioning Form - Revised for 24 -25 -
Version 1 Downloadable
Version 2 Links to local on line forms
NB Referrals can only be made by authorised staff from the referred child's school.
There is a common standard for student referrals for Inclusion Forums, Panels , Core Groups and following a Permanent Exclusion. Incomplete R&C forms will be accepted for Inclusion Forums (answer questions in bold). Incomplete forms cannot be accepted for referrals for Partnership support nor following a Permanent Exclusion. This page links to the form, provides guidance on how to complete it and gives access to other forms that may need to be submitted at the same time
The SEIPS Referral and Commissioning Form
Version 1: Downloadable. Submit via secure email to your local Partnership
Download McSherry Doyle
Reintegration Readiness Scale
We ask you to submit this with your Referral and Commissioning Form
"Click on "Enable Editing" once you have downloaded the form. Form updated Aug 23
Version 2: Web based.
Click on your local Partnership link to complete the form on line and submit automatically
Filling in the form - Advice
We strongly recommend reviewing these three documents before completing a referral
Advice on filling out the Referral Form and how to submit it once completed
Our continuum of support. Thresholds for levels of intervention. Where does the student you are referring fall?
What sort of intervention can we expect Mainstream schools to make? What should be the expectations of support at higher levels of need?
Using the McSherry Doyle Readiness for Reintegration Scale - an introduction
How might you use the information revealed by the McSherry Doyle in planning provsion in school for a pupil? Use this rich collection of strategies in your planning.
What are the different circumstances in school where a McSherry Doyle assessment might be useful?
Other forms and documents that you may need to submit with a referral form
Please note that LNCIP asks that schools submit a Purchase Order when they submit a R & C form for full or part time Programme Management.
A template for schools and Partnerships to use when seeking Parents' consent to a Referral. Consent is not needed for an anonymous referral to an Inclusion Forum but is essential for all other Referrals.
A template for schools and Partnerships to use when seeking Parents' consent to a Referral for Programme Management. and to confirm subsequent arrangements
Please note that SLIP has an online consent form reuired for Tier 4 referrals and a separate consent form for IF, Tier 2&3 and Managaed Moves see below:
Use this document to inform parents about the use that might be made of the information they are consenting to share.