Schools and Colleges - Attendance and Engagement Offer
Can the Partnerships help you in working with EBSA students who need help in re-engaging in their learning?
EBSA - Emotionally Based School Avoidance
This cohort includes those with significant but low level school anxiety. It excludes those who have a medical diagnosis of some kind who can be referred as children with medical needs
to the Local Authority Inclusion Team.
Our offer to schools:
Support from our Partnership Engagement Officer accessed via a referral to an Inclusion Forum Meeting. Read a summary of our offer here
Who we are: The Partnership Engagment Officers
Nicky Clooney
Partnership Engagement Officer
Leicestershire County Council
Education Quality & Inclusion
Children & Family Services
Secondary Education Inclusion Partnerships (SEIPs)
Email: Nicky.clooney@leics.gov.uk
Krishna Jadav
Partnership Engagement Officer
Leicestershire County Council
Education Quality & Inclusion
Children & Family Services
Secondary Education Inclusion Partnerships (SEIPs)
Email: Krishna.Jadav@leics.gov.uk
Inclusion Forums - sometimes known as Surgeries or Multi Agency Panels
Do you have a student with low attendance and engagement where your school's efforts don't seem to be solving the problem
There is one standard Referral Form for all Partnership referrals, including for Inclusion Forum discussions
Children with medical needs, children missing education, issues around elective home education can be referred to the LA Inclusion Team. A check list of actions prior to referral is here
To refer to the Local Authority Inclusion Team use their Referral Form here.
We recommend that schools access the brilliant resource prepared by Sheffield EP service. This contains a wealth of advice about meeting the needs of those students who are reluctant engagers.