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Chairs and Partnership Staff - Local and County Governance

The 2021 Partnership Agreement strengthens the arrangements for the Governance of the five SEIPS.  This page sets out the steps Chairs and Co-ordinators must take to comply with the agreement. 

Links to documents that you will need are included

What Partnerships must do to comply with the Partnership Agreement; three actions:

1. Hold a meeting each term led by the Chair to which all local secondary Heads of School have been invited.

2. In the meeting cover all the items included in the document "Model Agenda for Local Governance Boards".  

3. Submit three documents to the Local Authority ready for the County Governance Board Meetings.  These are:

a. Minutes of the Local Board Meeting

b. The latest Financial Report that has been received by your Local Board

c. A completed Partnership Evaluation Form (see Template for Local Accountability Boards)

Includes the key County Governance Board Dates

Set out what should be included in Local Governance Board Agendas

“Template for Local Accountability Boards to use in termly reports to the SEIPS Governance Board.”

Recommend format for SEIPS monthly finance reports

Suggested format for a "Terms of Reference" document for Local Boards.  Designed to allow for local adaptations. Right hand button opens a version that can be edited

Links to web pages where county data is published to assist SEIPS in their evaluations

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