Schools and Colleges - Advice and Guidance
Describing our offer to schools
Detaiis of the offer each SEIPS makes availabe for its local schools
Don't know what to do next?
Contact your Partnership Co-ordinator. The Partnerships can advise you on the range of services that exisit and how to access them
Seeking external support?
Have a look at the links we have on the Inclusion Forum Page
Extract from SENCOP
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
6.32 Children and young people may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties which manifest themselves in many ways. These may include becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well as displaying challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour. These behaviours may reflect underlying mental health difficulties such as anxiety or depression, self-harming, substance misuse, eating disorders or physical symptoms that are medically unexplained. Other children and young people may have disorders such as attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder or attachment disorder.
Risk of Permanent exclusion?
Heads and Principals - speak first to your Partnership Chair before finalising any decision. Review the information on our Exclusions Page
The Fair Access Protocol
Here is the county wide Protocol agreed by all secondary schools in Leicestershire after a review in 18-19. A further update in 2021 was agreed by Chairs of Partnerships
Our Attendance Offer
Is the issue one of low enagagment and poor attendance rather than challenging behaviour? Look at our attendance page..
Inclusion Forums - sometimes known as Surgeries or Multi Agency Panels
Don't know what the next step might be for a child? Attend your local IF - click here for dates.
There is one standard Referral Form for all referrals, including for Inclusion Forum discussions
This is the Standard Risk Assessment that schools will be asked to complete as part of the transition for students moving to Tier 4 - Programme Management
Guidance for Schools on preparing for Ofsted scrutiny of arrangements for pupils placed at APs and/or in Partnerships
Ofsted Inspections
Are your ready to answer Ofsted Inspector's questions about the attendance and progress of pupils who are programme managed by the Partnerships? Read our advice on how we provide you with the information you need
School staff visiting PM students at APs
Ensure you have a robust record of your visits to your on roll students at APs and contribute to the SEIPS overall QA process for APS by using this check list