Partnership Staff - AP Data Base
Schools and Partnerships using these links should also check with the LEBC database before booking sessions.
Group 1 APs have all been used by one or more of the four Partnerships in recent school years. A * indicates that details have been updated for school year 24-25 by the organisation. Access basic standard information by clicking on the link. Click on www to access the AP's web site. Please note that a listing does not signify a recommndation. We advise schools always to use the service provided by LEBC before commssioning any provider.
Group 2 APs have submitted their information for publication on the web site but have not been used recently by the Partnerships. Schools and Partnerships should always check with LEBC before using any provider for the first time.
Post 16 Provision
The Induction Check List
Designed by HBEP this document should be used by all of us when placing students at APs. LEBC will include a check to see that these are being completed by Providers. You may wish to carry out your own check as well.